Quick Guide

Usage example

This is a typical usage example:

from fileslice import Slicer

#let's open a file for reading
r = open('example.png', 'br')

#create a slicer for the file
slicer = Slicer(r)

#the slicer behaves like a function. call it to create as many fileslices
#as you want
start = 5   #the beginning of our partial file is at 5
size = 95   #the size of the part is 95 bytes so our end is 99
fileslice = slicer (start, size)     #this is a file like object

#now we have a fileslice file from byte 5 to byte 99.
#the initial partial file seek position is 0.
print(fileslice.read())  #will print from byte 5 to 99.

#now our seek position is at the end of the fileslice file
#that is byte 100 of the full file
    #if we seek to a position out of the fileslice file range (from 0 to 95)
except ValueError:
    #an exception will be thrown
    print('error while seeking to 200')

#we can seek from the end of the fileslice or from current fileslice
#seek position
#let's seek to fifth byte from the end of the fileslice. that is byte 95
fileslice.seek(-5, 2)

Equally sized slices

from fileslice import Slicer

#let's open a file for reading
r = open('example.png', 'bw')

#create a slicer for the file
slicer = Slicer(r)

#slicer.slices(<total size>, <number of slices>)
#returns a list of file slices
#each slice will be 250 bytes
slice_list = slicer.slices(1000, 4)

#if you used:
#slice_list = slicer.slices(1000, 3)
#the first two slices will be 332. the last slice will be 334
#the last slice can be larger than the rest in some cases like this one

Further readings

In fileslice Reference you will find the library reference.